Proudly joining Réseau Entreprendre Côte d’Azur

Our co-founders Vincent Dani and Luigi Formicola are glad and proud to join Réseau Entreprendre Côte d’Azur, a local network of entrepreneurs committed to develop local businesses and startups and support newly incorporated companies through mentoring and funding. That’s a great acknowledgement for ExAdEx-Innov startup project and a big booster for our development! Facebook Twitter […]

Our ObAdEx biotherapy project labeled by Eurobiomed

ObAdEx, our innovative biotherapy product in development for chronic metabolic diseases associated to obesity, gets labelled by Eurobiomed, the healthtech growth accelerator of South of France. Eurobiomed highlights our breakthrough and innovative approach as well as our tailored preclinical developmental plan to de-risk critical bioproduction steps before first-in-patients trials. ExAdEx-Innov is currently leading a fundraising […]

ExAdEx-Innov awarded Innovative Company of 2022 in Côte d’Azur

ExAdEx-Innov has been awarded « Innovative Company of 2022 » by the Metropolitan Region Nice Côte d’Azur . We are happy and proud to receive this award for our activities and our ObAdEx project in particular, and be recognized as the most promising innovative entrepreneurial project emerging from the local research excellence! To read more (in French): […]

Co-founder and KOL Christian Dani among World Top 2% Scientists

We are proud and happy for our collaborator and co-founder Dr Christian Dani from Institut de Biologie VaIrose and Université Côte d’Azur who was included in the latest World Ranking Top 2% Scientists list recently released by Stanford University. This ranking is considered the most prestigious worldwide, with 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields taken […]

ExAdEx-Innov at Rendez-vous Carnot 2022

ExAdEx-Innov has been selected to pitch at the upcoming Rendez-vous Carnot 2022 on October 12th 2022, in Paris! The Rendez-vous Carnot is the biggest meetup of R&D-oriented companies, experts and industries in France, specifically dedicated to encourage research collaborations between startups, public institutes, SMEs and big firms.  We are honored to have the opportunity to […]

Our latest research published in Cells

We are proud to share our latest work published in Cells and performed in collaboration with Institut de Biologie Valrose (iBV) and University Hospital Center in Nice. This article lays the foundations for the application of our ExAdEx technology for a human adipose tissue R&D platform, mimicking both physiological and pathological conditions of adipose tissue, […]

ExAdEx-Innov joins iBV Bioincubator

We are very proud to integrate the Bio-Incubator of the Institut de Biologie Valrose – iBV to allow our growth in a scientific environment of excellence and support for deeptech innovation.Thank you to all our historical and current supports, CNRS – Centre national de la recherche scientifique CNRS Innovation, SATT Sud-Est, Incubateur Paca-Est, Eurobiomed, Métropole […]