ExAdEx NAM organoids to reduce animal experimentation

Organoid models developed by ExAdEx-Innov and collaborators presented at the 3R LÄND CONFERENCE 2024 in Tübingen (Germany) Latest work from ExAdEx-Innov team on clinically relevant non-animal method (NAM) for human adipose tissue research was selected for a poster presentation at the 3R LÄND Conference 2024 organized by the 3R-Center Tübingen for In vitro Models and […]

Integrating 2D human stem cell model to enlarge R&D platform tools

ExAdEx-Innov announces the signature of a licence agreement with CNRS Innovation on human stem cell model to enlarge R&D platform tools from cells to tissue With the aim of integrating complementary models to its proprietary platform and strengthening the panel of research and development projects covered, ExAdEx-Innov has signed a licence agreement with CNRS Innovation […]