Our assays and tests

Some examples of assays and tests on 3D ExAdEx tissue models

ExAdEx’s R&D ex vivo platform offers customizable assays and analytical services to meet the specific needs of our partners. Our comprehensive suite of techniques spans molecular, functional, and metabolic activity assays, as well as advanced cell-based analysis and state-of-the-art 3D/4D tissue imaging systems for both scientific and commercial applications.

Our platform enables the testing of pharmacological compounds or active principles across multiple targets within a single study, including stem cells, mature adipocytes, extracellular matrix, vascularization, and lymphatic networks, among others. This multiparametric capability makes ExAdEx models ideal for multi-layered investigations and high-content analysis.

In collaboration with leading French academic partners, specialized technical platforms, and key opinion leaders (KOLs) in adipose tissue biology, we also offer the development of bespoke, on-demand models and assays. These innovative approaches allow for a deeper understanding of mechanisms of action within our pioneering 3D donor-derived native adipose tissue models.



Multiple native pathways preserved within the same 3D Donor-dervived Adipose Tissue ExAdEx models

Fat accumulation by glucose/lipids uptake assays and Glut4 expression.

Lipids release and Lipolysis by glycerol release assay.

Endocrine activity by secretome analysis via ELISA (Adiponectin, IL-6, IL-10, etc.) or multiplex assay.

Metabolic activity by XTT/MTT assay

Beige/Brown Adipose Tissue activity by batokine secretion analysis via ELISA


Real-time quantitative gene expression (RT-qPCR) on different combination of genes at once

Stem cells and adipogenesis (adipogenic lineage markers)

Vascularization and Lymphatic drainage (CD31, Lyve-1, Prox1, etc.)

Thermogenesis and Beiging phenotype (UCP1)

Extracellular matrix remodeling (collagen, elastin, fibronectin, laminin, etc)

Fibrosis (cytokines, effectors)

Inflammation (cytokines, effectors, immune response)


Showing compound effect on a 3D native adipose tissue environment                                                                 

Fibrosis by SHG confocal imaging and immunostaining (collagen, elastin, laminin, etc)

Inflammation by immunostaining (extracellular matrix alteration)

Effect on vascularization and lymphatic drainage by staining for vascular and lymphatic markers and 3D/4D video reconstruction

Lipolysis by adipocyte size measurement 

Quantitative analyses (available tools or tailored method development)

Thermogenic Beige/Brown Adipose Tissue Differentiation imaging (UCP1 immunostaining) as observed in clinical context

Image reconstruction and 3D/4D video generation


Preliminary screening (if no previous information is available) or complementary testing for compounds and active ingredients


Targeting the safety dose through solubilisation assays and dose response study

Quantification of cell toxicity  by LDH activity

Metabolic activity of cells by XTT assay

Imaging of 3D morphology by Confocal 3D acquisitions


Deeper knowledge of adipose tissue cell signature during differentiation and physio-pathological processes (obesity-like models, beiging models)


Cell proliferation by EdU staining

Progenitor and Adipocyte cell subtypes characterization by flow cytometry, confocal imaging, immunostaining and other tools

Development of tailored models (metabolic diseases, skin health, etc)

Assay and technique development (tailored imaging protocols, quantitative analysis tools, marker identification, etc)


Bringing value to generated data through a combination of know-how and technology                                                                                                                 

Guidance in defining and tailoring R&D strategy thanks to KOLs in adipose tissue biology and adipose tissue research tools, among our co-founders 

Collaboration to scientific communication strategy and paper preparation

Marketing and communication assistance through articles, papers, presentation, 3D/4D videos for specific audiences

Identification of novel claims or mechanisms of actions with high differentiating value

KOL on adipose tissue biology.

Research Director (DR1 INSERM).
Team Leader of « Stem Cells and Differentiation » Lab at Institut de Biologie Valrose (Nice). 

Label of Laboratoire d’Excellence by the French National Research Agency (Investissements pour le Futur, Labex Signalife program). 

Co-inventor of 5 patents

Expert in clinical applications of adipose tissue.

Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon in Nice.

Member of the Medical Council of Alpes Maritimes region.

Expert for the French National Regulatory Agency ANSM for medical devices.

Certified by French Health Autority HAS (2020-2024).

PhD thesis (2018) on fat tissue and adipose tissue stem cells grafting.

Expert in cell therapy and immunology. 

Senior Lecturer (Maitre de conférences).

Responsible of the Cell and Gene Therapy Unity of Nice University Hospital (CHU de Nice).

Director of « Micoralis » research team at Université Côte d’Azur (Nice).

Founder and CEO of the biotech company Biointerférence (2003-2006).

Co-inventor of 5 patents.

Vincent is responsible of company strategy and technological innovation, thanks to his double skill set in science and deeptech startup development.

With a deep knowledge and vision about ExAdEx technology, Vincent has actively worked as a deeptech entrepreneur to push further the development of breakthrough innovative products around human adipose tissue, which lead him to create ExAdEx-Inov. 

In addition to his entrepreneurial skills, Vincent has a strong background in biology (PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology from Université Côte d’Azur) and training in clinical research management (CRA training at the Faculty of Medicine of La Timone, Marseille). 

He is co-inventor of the 2 company’s patent families. 

Main areas of expertise: DeepTech entrepreneur; Bioengineering of human adipose tissue. 

Luigi is responsible of the management of company operations and business development strategy, thanks to his expertise in biotech startup development.

With a double competence and training in business and science (including an MBA from IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School and a PhD in Cytological Sciences from Rome University La Sapienza), Luigi has been managing business development and R&D projects in a preclinical CRO and a biotech startup company in previous years. 

He has been supporting ExAdEx-Innov project and business development since his position as an Entrepreneur in Residence for CNRS Innovation Tech Transfer Office in 2021.

Main areas of expertise: Biotech Startup Business Development; Project management