Integrating 2D human stem cell model to enlarge R&D platform tools

Integrating 2D human stem cell model to enlarge R&D platform tools

ExAdEx-Innov announces the signature of a licence agreement with CNRS Innovation on human stem cell model to enlarge R&D platform tools from cells to tissue

With the aim of integrating complementary models to its proprietary platform and strengthening the panel of research and development projects covered, ExAdEx-Innov has signed a licence agreement with CNRS Innovation for a patented application of 2D stem cell model hMADS.


Human Multipotent Adipose-Derived Stem (hMADS) were isolated from donor adipose tissue and extensively studied by the academic research laboratory managed by ExAdEx-Innov co-founder and Scientific Advisor Christian Dani, PhD, and Director of Research at INSERM, co-inventor of the patents covering their application. 

hMADS cells are a powerful 2D tool for screening of compounds in a standardized, time-effective and cost-effective manner, that perfectly complements ExAdEx 3D real human fat tissue organoids, for a comprehensive investigation on adipose tissue from screening up to mechanistic studies.

White adipocytes derived from hMADS can switch to a brown adipocyte phenotype that is associated with an increased energy expenditure. hMADS can thus be used to screen for drugs and active ingredients stimulating energy expenditure capacity, which could help to dissipate excess caloric intake in several clinical applications (nutrition, pharmaceutical approaches, cosmetics).

« The signature of a licence agreement with CNRS Innovation on hMADS cells is an important step in the development of our R&D platform, as it will allow us to provide a full panel of complementary tools and know-how to our clients and collaborators, in particular in a field such as energy expenditure that has become a hot topic in research to address major societal challenges such as weight management, overweight and obesity », states Vincent Dani, CEO and co-founder of ExAdEx-Innov.



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KOL on adipose tissue biology.

Research Director (DR1 INSERM).
Team Leader of « Stem Cells and Differentiation » Lab at Institut de Biologie Valrose (Nice). 

Label of Laboratoire d’Excellence by the French National Research Agency (Investissements pour le Futur, Labex Signalife program). 

Co-inventor of 5 patents

Expert in clinical applications of adipose tissue.

Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon in Nice.

Member of the Medical Council of Alpes Maritimes region.

Expert for the French National Regulatory Agency ANSM for medical devices.

Certified by French Health Autority HAS (2020-2024).

PhD thesis (2018) on fat tissue and adipose tissue stem cells grafting.

Expert in cell therapy and immunology. 

Senior Lecturer (Maitre de conférences).

Responsible of the Cell and Gene Therapy Unity of Nice University Hospital (CHU de Nice).

Director of « Micoralis » research team at Université Côte d’Azur (Nice).

Founder and CEO of the biotech company Biointerférence (2003-2006).

Co-inventor of 5 patents.

Vincent is responsible of company strategy and technological innovation, thanks to his double skill set in science and deeptech startup development.

With a deep knowledge and vision about ExAdEx technology, Vincent has actively worked as a deeptech entrepreneur to push further the development of breakthrough innovative products around human adipose tissue, which lead him to create ExAdEx-Inov. 

In addition to his entrepreneurial skills, Vincent has a strong background in biology (PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology from Université Côte d’Azur) and training in clinical research management (CRA training at the Faculty of Medicine of La Timone, Marseille). 

He is co-inventor of the 2 company’s patent families. 

Main areas of expertise: DeepTech entrepreneur; Bioengineering of human adipose tissue. 

Luigi is responsible of the management of company operations and business development strategy, thanks to his expertise in biotech startup development.

With a double competence and training in business and science (including an MBA from IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School and a PhD in Cytological Sciences from Rome University La Sapienza), Luigi has been managing business development and R&D projects in a preclinical CRO and a biotech startup company in previous years. 

He has been supporting ExAdEx-Innov project and business development since his position as an Entrepreneur in Residence for CNRS Innovation Tech Transfer Office in 2021.

Main areas of expertise: Biotech Startup Business Development; Project management